Documentary film “Hidden Legacy: Japanese Traditional Performing Arts in the World War II Internment Camps” uses historical footage and interviews from artists who were interned to tell the story of how traditional Japanese cultural arts were maintained at a time when the War Relocation Authority (WRA) emphasized the importance of assimilation and Americanization. Filmmaker Shirley Muramoto Wong interviewed over 30 artists all Americans, all born here, but practiced Japanese arts before the war, during, and after the war, because they loved the art. This made them “social activists” in their own quiet way, continuing the music and dance they loved, helping others to learn and enjoy these arts, and to help draw their attention away from their surroundings, giving them pride and self-esteem. Their efforts kept Japanese cultural arts alive in our communities today.
Special thanks to:
Shirley Muramoto Wong
Loryce Hashimoto, GVJCI Day of Remembrance committee member
Shirley Muramoto Wong
Loryce Hashimoto, GVJCI Day of Remembrance committee member