Become a Friend of the GVJCI With an ANNUAL PLEDGE of the Following Amount:
$5,000 or More - Diamond
$1,000 - 4,999 - Platinum | $1,000以上 ー プラチナ
$500 - 999 - Gold | $500−999 ー ゴールド
$250 - 499 - Silver | $250−499 ー シルバー
$100 - 249 - Bronze | $100−249 ー ブロンズ
$99 and less will be noted as a General Donation
**Our Friends Campaign takes place officially from January to December each year**
$5,000 or More - Diamond
$1,000 - 4,999 - Platinum | $1,000以上 ー プラチナ
$500 - 999 - Gold | $500−999 ー ゴールド
$250 - 499 - Silver | $250−499 ー シルバー
$100 - 249 - Bronze | $100−249 ー ブロンズ
$99 and less will be noted as a General Donation
**Our Friends Campaign takes place officially from January to December each year**
What are Friends of the GVJCI? ガーデナバレーJCIフレンド支援とは?
Since 2016, the Friends of the GVJCI is a way for our friends to support the GVJCI through ANNUAL GIVING. Annual giving helps provide the GVJCI with a reliable and unrestricted source of revenue to support ongoing programs and projects, as well as daily operations. These funds can be used to address pressing needs and seize new opportunities.
For over a century, the GVJCI and its predecessor organizations have flourished by providing space for community activities and cultural programs, ranging from the martial and performing arts to
civic and community services.
As times change and the community evolves, the GVJCI has expanded to meet the needs for cultural education and civic engagement. Over the past decade, the GVJCI has developed programs like the TANOSHII Fun Camp for elementary-aged children, Tomo No Kai senior programs, The Bridge: JCI Heritage Center (library and public programs), and the South Bay’s Day of Remembrance (DOR) program (commemorating the executive order that incarcerated Nikkei during WWII). The GVJCI also produces programs relevant to the changing Nikkei community, including outreach to post-WWII Nikkei.
Our aim is to continue to provide excellent and relevant programming in new and exciting ways.
Your Friends of the GVJCI donation also helps us:
Please consider demonstrating your support of the GVJCI, both its historic role and services to the Nikkei community and its expanding role for the next generation, by joining the Friends of the Gardena Valley JCI with an annual pledge.
All Friends of the Gardena Valley JCI will be recognized in an upcoming newsletter and on the GVJCI website unless otherwise noted.
Your support and generosity speaks volumes and allows us to continue pursuing our mission: creating a space to engage, share, and embrace the Nikkei experience and culture.
Thank you to our committed Friends of the GVJCI for your continued support! We look forward to new friends who pledge to support us beginning this year as well!
The Gardena Valley JCI is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID #95-6197597.
Since 2016, the Friends of the GVJCI is a way for our friends to support the GVJCI through ANNUAL GIVING. Annual giving helps provide the GVJCI with a reliable and unrestricted source of revenue to support ongoing programs and projects, as well as daily operations. These funds can be used to address pressing needs and seize new opportunities.
For over a century, the GVJCI and its predecessor organizations have flourished by providing space for community activities and cultural programs, ranging from the martial and performing arts to
civic and community services.
As times change and the community evolves, the GVJCI has expanded to meet the needs for cultural education and civic engagement. Over the past decade, the GVJCI has developed programs like the TANOSHII Fun Camp for elementary-aged children, Tomo No Kai senior programs, The Bridge: JCI Heritage Center (library and public programs), and the South Bay’s Day of Remembrance (DOR) program (commemorating the executive order that incarcerated Nikkei during WWII). The GVJCI also produces programs relevant to the changing Nikkei community, including outreach to post-WWII Nikkei.
Our aim is to continue to provide excellent and relevant programming in new and exciting ways.
Your Friends of the GVJCI donation also helps us:
- Support and retain staff to continue developing and providing our programs and services in innovative ways.
- Cover monthly fixed operating costs.
Please consider demonstrating your support of the GVJCI, both its historic role and services to the Nikkei community and its expanding role for the next generation, by joining the Friends of the Gardena Valley JCI with an annual pledge.
All Friends of the Gardena Valley JCI will be recognized in an upcoming newsletter and on the GVJCI website unless otherwise noted.
Your support and generosity speaks volumes and allows us to continue pursuing our mission: creating a space to engage, share, and embrace the Nikkei experience and culture.
Thank you to our committed Friends of the GVJCI for your continued support! We look forward to new friends who pledge to support us beginning this year as well!
The Gardena Valley JCI is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID #95-6197597.
時代が変わり、コミュニティーが進化するにつれて、ガーデナバレーJCIは文化教育と市民参加のニーズを満たすために拡張してきました。過去10年間、ガーデナバレーJCIは小学生の楽しいキャンプ、友の会シニア向けのプログラムや、The Bridge(ブリッジ):ガーデナバレーJCIヘリテージ(遺産)センター(図書館と公共プログラム)、サウスベイ記憶に残す日(Day of Remembrance-DOR) プログラム(第二次世界大戦中に日系人を強制収容する行政命令の記念日)などを展開してきました。ガーデナバレーJCIは第二次世界大戦後の日系人への働きかけを含む、変化する日系コミュニティーに関連するプログラムも作成しています。
- コロナウィルス感染予防対策ガイドラインに従って再開のための手洗い用の消毒液容器、除菌装置、電子体温計などの新しい備品やサプライの購入。
- 革新的な方法でサービスとプログラムの開発と提供を継続するためのスタッフサポートと維持。
- 毎月の固定運用コスト。
FRIENDS OF THE GVJCI: A special message from Kerilyn Kotani, GVJCI Board Member
The GVJCI has long been a place of gathering for me, my family, and my friends. It’s safe to say, we go way back. Thirty-something years ago, it was where my parents hosted my first birthday party. In elementary school, it was where my hula halau, Kanani Kalama Hula Studio, hosted fundraisers for competitions. In high school, it was where I volunteered at the then-JCI Carnival game booths. In college, I continued to dance hula at the JCI Matsuri with the many keiki and my hula sisters. As a young adult, I taught lei making workshops, attended signature events like Oysters Bites and Biiru, and learned valuable “adulting” skills from the virtual workshops during the pandemic. And now, I serve on the GVJCI’s Board of Directors. I get to see the behind-the-scenes work that the staff and volunteers put in to make the organization function. I get to meet the program participants and hear about how having the GVJCI has impacted their lives for the better. I get to give back to the organization that has provided me with a space to grow up. And this year? This year I get to celebrate my daughter’s first birthday party, in the same hall where my friends and family celebrated mine. Things have truly come full circle. The longevity of the GVJCI speaks to the importance of its facilities as a gathering place for the community, and the importance of its programs that serve someone like me through every stage of life. This is why I’m a Friend of the GVJCI, to make sure that there is a space and place for future generations to come. I know that my participation in GVJCI programs will continue, putting my daughter into Tanoshii Fun Camp and, eventually, myself in Tomo no Kai programming. I hope you will join me, and many more members of the community, and become a Friend of the GVJCI today!
The GVJCI has long been a place of gathering for me, my family, and my friends. It’s safe to say, we go way back. Thirty-something years ago, it was where my parents hosted my first birthday party. In elementary school, it was where my hula halau, Kanani Kalama Hula Studio, hosted fundraisers for competitions. In high school, it was where I volunteered at the then-JCI Carnival game booths. In college, I continued to dance hula at the JCI Matsuri with the many keiki and my hula sisters. As a young adult, I taught lei making workshops, attended signature events like Oysters Bites and Biiru, and learned valuable “adulting” skills from the virtual workshops during the pandemic. And now, I serve on the GVJCI’s Board of Directors. I get to see the behind-the-scenes work that the staff and volunteers put in to make the organization function. I get to meet the program participants and hear about how having the GVJCI has impacted their lives for the better. I get to give back to the organization that has provided me with a space to grow up. And this year? This year I get to celebrate my daughter’s first birthday party, in the same hall where my friends and family celebrated mine. Things have truly come full circle. The longevity of the GVJCI speaks to the importance of its facilities as a gathering place for the community, and the importance of its programs that serve someone like me through every stage of life. This is why I’m a Friend of the GVJCI, to make sure that there is a space and place for future generations to come. I know that my participation in GVJCI programs will continue, putting my daughter into Tanoshii Fun Camp and, eventually, myself in Tomo no Kai programming. I hope you will join me, and many more members of the community, and become a Friend of the GVJCI today!